Introverts: Tips for Coping with Depression

water drop
Photo by Sourav Mishra on

There is probably something terribly ironic about writing about depression while depressed. Maybe not, maybe it just makes sense because it’s just what I’m thinking about right now.

While trying to find some answers for myself, I read a blog with 21 Tips to Keep Your Shit Together When You’re Depressed. I’ve got a few things to add that I think are probably useful for other introverts. (Not that we’re super special, just that different people need different techniques, and I think for an introvert, having their internal world shrouded in darkness is especially difficult to overcome.) These ideas/thoughts/tips are what get me through the day when I am at my worst.

Early warning system

The best way to cope with depression is to never let it get overwhelming. I’ve incorporated certain rituals/routines to act as warning signals so that I can catch the depression before it becomes so all-consuming that it takes tremendous effort to get out of it. This routine is not necessary for life, like eating. I would advise against that. My tactic is simple: I choose to wash and moisturize my face as part of my morning and nightly rituals. I know that I am pretty stable if I can make the choice to expend the energy to wash my face in the morning and before bed. If I skip this part of my routine too many times during the week, then I know it’s time to admit to myself that I am slipping into a downward spiral.

Thought processes

When I’m depressed, I recognize that my mind—normally my favorite place—is now tricking me. Watch how you think while depressed. Are you assuming that you know the feelings of other people when, in fact, you aren’t a mind reader? Are you assuming you know the outcome of some event when, in fact, you have never been a fortune teller?

These are just a couple examples of how your depressed mind distorts your thinking habits. I first read about them in Feeling Good by Dr. Burns (which is full of mind-altering information). A brief description of more of these distortions can be found here. The book has more information and more topics besides these distortions. I highly recommend it.

Remember that being depressed or having a tendency for depressive episodes does not make you weak or incapable of happiness. These thoughts will only trap you and make getting help and getting better harder. I believe that people living with depression are in fact very strong.

Be kind to yourself

Now is not the time to take up public speaking or something equally terrifying. Don’t overload your schedule. You can help yourself not be overwhelmed by making smart choices and admitting, “Hey, maybe I should wait to do [this terrifying thing that society makes me do] until I feel like myself again.”

You can also be kind to yourself by alleviating some pressure. Some parts of depression are definitely enhanced by an inner pressure or narrative – ESPECIALLY for Type A personalities (*raises hand sheepishly*). Put that timeline on a shelf for a couple weeks. Give yourself a break while you are at your worst. It will pass, and you can get better and meet all those goals. Putting it off until you are healthy is not a failure.

Kind self-talk

We all talk to ourselves (I hope at least), and it can be a source of pain if you talk to yourself with the same words you use when cussing someone who pulled out in front of you on the highway. Even though your mind is shrouded in darkness and everything seems awful, there is no need to be cruel to yourself. That’s not helpful.

Think about it: You are your longest and most intimate relationship. You are the only person who will always be there.

How would you comfort a dear, dear friend? That’s how you should talk to yourself. When I get overwhelmed and put my head on my desk, I think, “It’s okay, love. You’ll be okay. It’ll pass soon, love. Just hold on.” Or if I find myself in the kitchen in the morning and I can’t remember why, I think, “Concentrate, dear. What were you doing?”

Talk sweetly to yourself. You shouldn’t add to your own pain by berating yourself when you are at your most vulnerable.

Do something, celebrate after

When I am depressed and need to find ways to cope, I lose all energy. This is common of course, but it is, to me, the hardest symptom of depression. In college, a beloved professor who also suffered from depression told me to complete one task and celebrate after. The celebrations can be anything from watching an episode of your favorite TV show (that you know you probably shouldn’t be watching because you’re behind on laundry and life because you’re depressed, but it’ll feel so good to watch it, and since you did complete a task of life, you deserve it!). It could be eating a fun size Snickers bar or taking a cat nap with your kitty. Whatever will make you feel better, give you something to look forward to, reinforce good behavior and still get a few tasks accomplished. (This means that the cat nap needs to literally be a cat nap and not, in fact, a 3-hour sleep.)

Break the monotony

In that same frame of mind, scheduling something to look forward to or treating yourself to something new can help break the monotony of depression and bring a pinch of positive feelings (perhaps even an echo of excitement) back. A scheduled appointment could be anything from a checkup with your psychiatrist or therapist to a movie date with your bff. Giving yourself something positive to count down to will help get you through the day.

In addition, doing something fun or comforting might help. Buy new clothes. Cook something new. Get a pedicure. Buy a new video game. Anything that brings you pleasure and excitement (as long as it won’t defile your bank account and bring more emotional instability).

I also suggest making changes to your environment, something that will break up the monotony of your surroundings. Rearrange your furniture. Refresh the pictures in their frames. Change up the couch pillows. Choose one table or shelf to redecorate or rearrange. Wash the rugs in your house and leave them to dry so that you have new, naked floors for a few days. Don’t do anything too strenuous or some big project that might stress you out, but diving into whatever project you want to tackle will be a bigger mental health boost than you anticipated.


There is also nothing wrong with an occasional lazy day. Introverts need to recharge, and depression takes a lot out of you. Give yourself a day to veg on TV shows that have been in your Netflix queue forever or to reread a book that has been on your mind. Sometimes these days will end up becoming good thinking days for me, and I’ll end up writing or journaling. I think it’s because I haven’t put pressure on myself to accomplish anything so I can just … be.

Be careful though. You don’t want to isolate yourself further or use the day making suicide plans. Turn the lights on. Don’t sit in a dark room; your mind is dark enough without the lights being off too. A lazy day is only helpful if you use it to recharge and not to burrow more deeply into the depression.

Talk to other humans

The best thing I’ve trained myself to do when I get depressed is to talk about it. Introverts tend to be so quiet, especially when depressed, and I find that acknowledging and calling out the depression gives it less power over me. The same way Harry Potter always referred to Voldemort by name. Find your person and tell them, “I’m depressed; I feel [this way]. Thanks for listening.” Your words will cut holes in the dark shroud your mind is wrapped in and invite someone who cares to help you shine light through the darkness.

If you can’t talk about it because that’s too hard or there are no words, then just be in a room with someone. Just sit with no agenda, with words or without. You can share the pain. All of humanity shares your pain.

Letting someone else into the picture, even if it is without words, brings you new perspective, a perspective that only another mind can give you.

Power accessory/article of clothing

The article I got this idea from already mentioned dressing nicely, but I’d like to add to that thought. Find your power accessory, that one article of clothing or accessory that makes you feel … powerful. For me, it’s lipstick. I feel like only strong, confident women can have carefully painted, glossed and shimmered lips. But your item could be anything: a pair of shoes, a watch, a piece of jewelry, a blazer. (My Star Trek: The Next Generation magnetic combadge is a close second and also more gender-neutral, though only applicable to nerds.)


We know from research that nature helps us feel good. People who live near water seem to be happier. Being near parks increases life satisfaction of city dwellers. When you are down, go outside and sit on a porch. Eat a meal at a restaurant outside on the patio. Watch the birds and the insects. If you are not an outside girl (me), watch nature documentaries. I also watch nature documentaries when I am at my worse. For me, they work because 1) I am learning something new and 2) I am still exposed to nature even if it’s just on a TV screen. It still helps!

Brand loyalty

One of the worst parts of my depression is my loss of energy and inability to make everyday decisions in a normal amount of time. Introverts tend to make decisions more slowly even not depressed, so adding depression can make life unmanageable. One way I’ve found to help with decision-making is to take away some of the decisions altogether. If you choose a certain brand and stick with it, then you don’t have to stand in front of a shelf of way too many items and get overwhelmed. Do your research first of course before you decide. The effort will probably save you time and energy later.

Listen to music

“Lullaby” by Nickelback has saved my life on more than one occasion. If I’m not listening to podcasts on my long commute to work in the morning, I’m listening to music, and this song has pushed back the frighteningly comforting image of hitting a tree or a power pole head-on a few times.

Some other songs that help me are “Beautiful” by Christina Aguilera, “People Like Us” by Kelly Clarkson, “The Fighter” by Gym Class Heroes, “Till I Collapse” by Eminem, “Not Afraid” by Eminem, “Parabol” + “Parabola” by Tool, “Flares” by The Script, “Satellite Call” by Sara Bareilles, “The Next Right Thing” from Frozen 2, and “Firework” by Katy Perry.

Please remember: If you are reading this now, I’m reaching out to let you know that you are never alone.

Never give up hope

Remember that life follows a cycle. For people with a uterus, it’s obvious: we are in a constant wheel of changing hormones that bring us up out of and down back into depression episodes. For those without a menstrual cycle, there’s still a cycle, at least in my experience. I think once you get so far down and don’t kill yourself, there’s only one direction to go: up. While this is a strange type of comfort, it still seems to help me in my worst moments. It will end at some point, and I have control over how I get there.


These ideas are techniques I have gathered from books, professors, and my own experiences. I’ve known I’ve had problems with depression for a decade now, and I’ve probably struggled with some level of it most of my life. These ideas are not fixes, but perhaps they will help take the edge off in those moments when life seems like a heavy, choking blanket of hopelessness trimmed with sadness and loneliness.

The biggest take-home lesson to remember is depression lies.

Last updated June 16, 2020

39 thoughts on “Introverts: Tips for Coping with Depression

  1. Being an introvert with a tendency towards depressive episodes, I also have anxiety which leads me to get overwhelmed very easily. When I get overwhelmed, I quit being able to do anything, and then I feel worse… etc., (I’m sure you know the drill.)

    What helps me is making lists. I write down all the things I need (or want) to get done, even the little things. Actually, *especially* the little things. Because then I see it in an orderly fashion and can start doing them. And when I’ve done and crossed off some of those little things, it’s a visual sign of accomplishment and that makes me feel better. Which helps me start on the rest, so stuff gets done and I feel better.


  2. Thanks so much for the great post. I’ve pressed it so my clients can check it out as well. I especially like the “be kind to yourself” and “brand loyalty” advice. My own personal struggle is with self-compassion and I found your advice very relevant. I like the brand loyalty idea and “not trying to change when you aren’t feeling confident anyways” sentiment. Wonderful post!


  3. I get depressed when I’m in situations I have no control over and am easily overwhelmed, such as my 8-5 job! The people, the noise, the BS is ridiculous and by Friday I’m ready to head for the hills and never return. I can’t though and therein lies the problem, and the depression.


  4. I’ve been through many depressed periods in 50+ years. In addition to being a wife and mother, I have been an attorney, a teacher and a union representative – all high-stress jobs which created frustration, anger and anxiety. Since retiring, though, I have given myself permission not to get (too) involved with (pretty much) anything that might cause me to feel those same emotions. I like it.


  5. “The best thing I’ve trained myself to do when I get depressed is to talk about it.” I think this is true, unfortunately nobody cares anymore. I would be just labeled as some weak creepy weirdo. Well im getting depressed with this fact! :D


    • Are you sure no cares anymore? Have you asked all of your friends, family, neighbors, coworkers? Did they all tell you that they don’t care that you’re depressed and call you weak, creepy and weird? Those are logical fallacies that I link in the second tip. Here’s the link again:

      Also, if your friends and family really do respond that way, then perhaps you just need to surround yourself with people who aren’t assholes. There are many ways to find communities, if needed:, forums, school organizations, work committees, Yahoo and Google Groups.

      Feel better, Zapotocky!


  6. Some additional things that work for me are gardening/working in the dirt. Dunno why but it’s relaxing and satisfying. Too, easing up on fruit (which I absolutely love) and substituting with vegetables. I often don’t eat enough. And they help. I have a grocery app on my phone which I use to set and prioritize goals. I can keep notes on progress and check them off when I’m done. Taking salsa lessons. Since I’m good at dancing it’s a mood booster. My being an introvert makes that infrequent tho. Yoga works wonders! It both relaxes and recharges at the same time. Trees. and mountains cheer me up. My job is boring so I’m going to school for more degrees. That keeps me busy. Can’t forget my kitties. Love ’em. Depression, for me, is a life-long affliction. Everything helps.


    • I searched for some. It’s actually kind of sad that there aren’t more songs like “Lullaby” that call you back from the edge of suicide, instead of just talking about suicide or even providing a song to commit suicide to.

      Here’s what I found, and I hope they help:

      I added “Not Afraid” by Eminem to my list because it always pumps me up (as does most of Eminem’s songs).


  7. Thank you so much for this! I’ve been an introvert all my life and I love being one, but there are times when solitude-ness (is that even a word?) just takes it toll. It even stops me from my art which to me is the last straw. Thank you again!!!


  8. Hi, I just wanted to say a massive thank you. I am both an introvert and sufferer of depression and at times, everything about life just seems so totally overwhelming and unmanageable. So thank you. I will refer to this page often and knowing that I am not alone, even with a world full of strangers who unite by this horrible common theme is enough to make me continue on and fight. xx


  9. I find myself raising a young boy who is very introverted and struggling from time to time with depression. Thank you for the insight. I try my best to love him through his down moments and this will help


  10. Lots of good advice but I would caution against sharing your pain too freely. I am forever damaged by witnessing the suffering of others when I was young which is why I wouldn’t dream of inflicting such horribleness onto another person when I am suffering myself. Nobody can benefit by witnessing such torment in another person.


  11. Thanks for putting this info out there! As I search for others in my same situation with depression and introversion, anyone I find that understands helps (and I make sure to encourage and than them!) I find sharing my feelings with others hard, even therapists, since folks get frustrated with my lack of motivation and often just can’t relate. There’s also what I call the “positivity police” movement, which strongly discourages the sharing of any negativity so as to not “be toxic”, or a “Debbie downer” to those around you. I swear if I hear “just be more positive” one more time, I’ll implode! Anyway, thanks for providing an honest forum and some tips to keep afloat 😊


  12. This is another blog with an incredible amount of information . I recently started to compile this kind of information to write a website about the subject and many of your suggestion will make their way to it. Thanks for the nice website!


  13. Depression is a result of unhealthy thinking and can be cured in simple way by changing our way of thinking. We won’t need any medication for this. I tried to cure my depression through healthy thinking and have succeeded. I was motivated a lot by thoughts of -‘ Pandit Sri Ram Sharma Acharya’. I thought of sharing this with everyone. If it helped me, I trust His teachings and way of healthy living can help others also. You can find his thoughts here-


    • Real clinical depression lasting over a long period time is not a result of unhealthy thinking. This is a misconception that harms everyone who is experiencing this disease. Introverts are particularly susceptible to depression because they internalize their feelings. A combination
      of medication and therapy is the best help for depressed introverts, but sometimes even
      that only has its limits. True depression is a disease which does not relent to simplistic methods such as riding a bike, going for a walk, or listening to a tape. It is so much deeper than that, which is what most people do not understand.


  14. […] Here are some tips to help get further down that path to recovery. These are for people who are depressed, but frustrated enough to ask for help and make changes. Please don’t get angry at these ideas. I am not suggesting that your depression is your fault. It’s not. I’m suggesting that certain habits and routines probably contribute to how long you are depressed. The reason I recognize these is because I saw them in myself. (For people who are just desperately trying to survive, check out my tips for a depressed introvert post.) […]


  15. This was a great read. I suffered with depression for twenty five years, starting when I was 16. For a variety of reasons, I did not want to tell anyone what was going on in my head. So I would go through bouts of what I call the pit of despair. Every time I got sucked down into that deep, dark hole, I found it harder to get out. My last bout was the worst. I spent all day long thinking of ways to end it all, and I let it go on for months until I sought counseling. Like you, I learned that prevention is key. I learned to recognize when I was coming too close to the trapdoor of that pit, and do something about it before and I got sucked down.

    I’ve been depression free since 2002 due to certain tactics I’ve learned. I’ve also just come to realize I’m an introvert. People tend to relate introversion to shyness, which is not me at all. I am not shy. I have performed in plays in front of a thousand people with no problem. I can get up and speak in front of a crowd. I officiate weddings as a Notary Public. I just process information and situations differently than an A type person, and while I enjoy a party as much as the next person, I find myself instantly drained when a party is too crowded or active. Looking back on my depression, I truly believe that much of it could be attributed to trying to fit in… in other words be extroverted. That brought on nothing but anxiety, which led to depression.

    I’m learning to not only embrace my introversion, but also channel it.


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